Engage. Experience. Excel.
Student life at Northeastern
The NortheasternExperience
Life at NU
Living at Northeastern means being a part of a dynamic community that enriches the college experience. No matter where you live, there are so many opportunities for personal growth as you forge lifelong connections with your peers.
Cultural & Spiritual Life
Cultural and Spiritual Life builds community, creates a sense of belonging, educates across differences, and promotes inclusion across the global network.
Involvement in a student organization or through community service is a great way to broaden your college experience by meeting new people, enhancing leadership skills, engaging in volunteer opportunities, honing talents, and building your resume.
Health & Well-being
Find information about the many ways that Northeastern supports student health and well-being.
Support & Resources
At Northeastern, our staff is committed to student success and offers a variety of support systems in place to help you along the way.
The Student Hub
The Student Hub is a desktop and mobile-friendly launchpad to help students easily navigate and keep track of their busy academic and active daily lives as university students in the Northeastern community.
Parent Channel
The Parent Channel includes news, information, updates, resources, dates to remember and more, specifically for our Husky parents.
Discover what it means to live #LikeAHusky
Get involved. Try something different. Find a club. Start an organization. Challenge yourself. Stay busy. Be curious. Be social. Get outside your comfort zone.